January 28, 2019
Can the New King James Bible be downloaded to Worship Extreme?
January 28, 2019
You can download the NKJV of the Bible fromĀ [url=http://www.opensong.org/bible-modules/NKJV.zip]http://www.opensong.org/bible-modules/NKJV.zip[/url]
You can import XML Bibles for use with Worship Extreme. Click the settings gear in the top right, then "Settings". Under "Bibles", click "Import Bible".
January 29, 2019
I imported the NKJV bibleĀ but can't find it in Worship Extreme. Where do I find it?
January 29, 2019
When adding scripture to a cue, it will be at the bottom of the list under "Local Bibles".
February 1, 2020
I also tried to upload a bible and the name is being populated as NKJVxml, there is no option to remove the xml part.
Posted by Every Nation Midrand
February 4, 2020
Before import, remove the xml extension, then import.
May 5, 2022
NKJV (1982) is now available in Presenter. Go to your Account page from our website (top right corner) and find it under "Bibles and Add-ons."