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Import of text into slides/songs

September 23, 2016
It would be great to have a better support for importing text into slides or songs.

What I experience right now, is that when you try to paste text, it´s not split but actually hidding some of the text if there is not enough space for it. It would be great to have an option to import and have settings that will automatically either split when the is line break, or somehow at least not hidden the text it there is not enough space.

To replicate, you can try and copy full song text from AZ Lyric. [url=][/url]

Basically it's tough to import longer texts.

I have been really happy with the way I could do this in LiveWorship, but rest of the software if nothing compared to WE!!
Posted by Christian
November 6, 2016
This would be good for us also.
Posted by Ryan
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