February 6, 2020
Is it possible to copy and paste an entire cue/service from one date to use for another service date without losing the first date's cue/service?
February 6, 2020
Yes, when you create a new cue list, choose the old cue list in the "copy existing" dropdown.
February 10, 2020
Thank you. When I have done this and then have gone to make additions/deletions on the new service date--it adds/deletes/makes changes to the old service date as well. How do I keep entire old service so that it doesn't lose its content? I save after each time but it still erases info on the old service.
February 10, 2020
Making changes to the cue list won't update the old cue list. Songs are saved in your song library and are "linked" to cue lists. So making changes to songs will update on all cue lists. If you want songs to appear differently on different cue lists, you'll want to duplicate the song before making changes, although I'm not sure why you would want to do that.
February 10, 2020
Thanks Adam, we may be doing something wrong... :-)
Say we have just made a copy of an entire service Date X from Date Y. We have added a new slide (not songs, just text) to Date X, saved it, and then went back to Date Y and the new slide just made on service Date X now shows up on service Date Y. We do not want that. We have also removed announcement slides from new service Date X and the slides are now removed from old service Date Y. We do not want that either. We want to be able to keep complete services.
Should we be archiving after each use so that no changes are made on any of the services? It is helpful for our office admin to have previous references.
February 10, 2020
Just like Songs, Slide presentations are "linked" in cue lists, they are not a part of the cue list, so editing the "linked" slide presentation would edit the presentation for all cue lists where the presentation is used. You can right click and select "Duplicate" to make a copy of the slides presentation by clicking "Slides" at the top of the app and finding the desired presentation.
January 6, 2025
Natalie did you find a solution to this? We are duplicating services and any changes to the slides will over ride the previous services slides.
Posted by Gathering Presenter