September 3, 2016
Ability to set a default cue crossfade independent of the default crossfade (so crossfade time between each song, media, slides, etc. could be customized).
For example, lyrics would adhere to a default 0.5s crossfade, but transitions to the next song could be set to adhere to a default [b]cue[/b] crossfade of 1.0s.
September 4, 2016
Thanks for the post! The cue fade can be customized on a per-cue basis. Are you suggesting a fade time for cue to cue that is separate from the foreground slide fade time?
September 4, 2016
Thanks for your response! I was looking for exactly what you said, a default cue-to-cue fade time that would be implemented across the cue list with a single setting, rather than a per-cue basis like it is now.
September 5, 2016
You can currently set a default under Settings > Defaults for the fade time. Then any cue made after that point will have the default fade time set.