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Motion graphics (On slides and powerpoints)

January 18, 2017
The ability/need to create or view motion graphics on and in between slides. And/or the display of motion graphics and transitions on inserted powerpoints would be so helpful. Please add this in.
Posted by Sandy Beach
January 18, 2017
Thanks for the post!  This is currently possible with PowerPoints if you are using Windows.  Click the "Launch with PowerPoint" button in the upper right of the cue.  Worship Extreme will use PowerPoint to render the presentation and will include all motions and transitions.
Posted by Adam
December 30, 2023
I'm wondering if we use Motion Graphics on a series of Slides instead within Presenter can the we set the background like when we so in a Song use a (Motion Background)?
It's good to know that we can do this is Windows launching PowerPoint, but we are on MacOS and want everything contained within Presenter and not using PowerPoint. I wish this was addressed already but it seems when I search on it many of my questions have not bee addressed.

In the same way when creating Slides I'd like to use a motion back ground, it would be also great to add pictures within Presenter. The main issue that when using PowerPoint it can't be edited once it's uploaded if we want to add or correct things. That's why having the basic features to be able to create Slides with motion background, back grounds, or even add pictures to be placed in specific locations would be a great feature.
Posted by Sonny
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