January 6, 2025
Even with the current Presenter (2024.3.4), a startup update check name resolution error appears when opening Presenter without an Internet connection.
PowerPoint service items work as expected, but if I click a Google Slide service item, I see a blank (login?) pop-up window/dialog.
If I close the blank window, I see the error, "An error occurred while downloading presentation. Google authentication error"
The Presenter offline mode doc seems to suggest that Google Slides added to services while online, should work (display) in offline mode. I allowed Presenter plenty of time to sync/cache service items before testing offline mode.
Could an option be added to disable startup update checks, or disable startup checks if there is no Internet connection? This would allow a more graceful startup and help avoid possible confusion. 😊 Should Google Slides work/display offline? I'm aware a new Google Slide service item can't be added in offline mode. I will also add my (+1) vote for improved offline/online handling (e.g. allow user to switch Presenter to online without restarting Presenter, if Internet connectivity is restored).
Thank you!