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Recent change in page layout?

May 20, 2024
Did the layout of pages recently change? Or maybe I have a wrong setting on my tablet?

I thought Charts used to show a half page, full page, then half page for a total of 4 columns across 3 pages. As of the last several weeks it's showing a full page, then another full page, for 4 columns across 2 pages.

I can't directly compare but it seems that the 2 page version is much trickier to time page turns than the 3 page version was.

Is there a way for me to change back to the "3 page" view on a tablet?
Posted by Nicholas
May 21, 2024
Charts has always supported 1-column and 2-column formats
Posted by WorshipTools
May 21, 2024
Thanks! I’m talking about the pages themselves when in 2 column view
Posted by Nicholas
May 21, 2024
Gotcha. Are you on a different device than you were previously using? You might also check your Charts settings and toggle your Low Memory setting
Posted by WorshipTools
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