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Keep Upcoming Services Available Until Day After

March 3, 2022
I had a singer who was unable to look at songs for a Thursday night service because the service was not available on the day of. He was trying to check Thursday morning, but could not.

Is it possible to wait until the next day for the service to expire?
Posted by Eric
March 4, 2022
Past services can be found by clicking the Show Past button next to the Create Service button
Posted by WorshipTools
March 4, 2022
Your solution only works for those who have the ability to create or edit services. My worship team members can only view services they have been invited to. When they check the Planning app on the day of to prepare before rehearsal the service is not there. On their app the "Show Past" button does not exist.

If it does they cannot find it, nor can I. My app has more options because I am an admin, but their app shows much less options than mine.
Posted by Eric
March 4, 2022
Thanks for this report Eric. The dashboard was going off UTC time, we have corrected this to use the user's local time zone. Now services will stay on their dashboard until midnight the following day.
Posted by Adam
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