November 21, 2023
Is an App for Community in the pipeline? If so, is there an expected timeline on this? Thanks!
December 6, 2023
I completely agree. An app, whether desktop, mobile, or whatever would be amazing. To not have to lean on an internet browser for that would rock. I really enjoy everything WorshipTools has to offer, and would even love - if it's in the works at all - the ability to create further church management like church website and app in the future. But for now, a Community app would be amazing for church admin and leadership to have.
December 7, 2023
I agree. I just looked yesterday to see if there was one. It would help when we need to send a notification out immediately.
December 8, 2023
I am sold on what I have seen, I can see that there is a yearning for one app that encompasses all the products or at least one for the Community.
Posted by Pinehouse Drive