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Presenter Remote for iPad

February 9, 2025
First, let me say just how much I love this product suite. I am in awe of how well it works together whether on a MAC or PC. Don't even get me started on how much I love the cloud-based setup. It is so east to set up everything at home, and when I show up at church... BAM... it's all there.
My simple feature request is for the remote itself... especially on the iPad. It would be WONDERFUL to have a slider that allows me to make the slides on the remote for the iPad bigger when in "Normal mode". The Presenter app itself has a slider that allows the user to make the slides smaller or bigger. It would be wonderful to have the same thing on the remote for the iPad. I know "simple mode" makes the slide bigger, but it also takes away the ability to see up and coming slides. Thank you for your time.
Posted by Thomas
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