Planning Feature Requests

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Quick song access in service planning view
By: Chris
0 246 2 years ago
0 Add BPM Field to Song (Maybe Time Signature, too?) Already Possible
By: Jonathan
3 258 2 years ago
Service Templates
By: Jojo
0 291 2 years ago
3 Adding New People Completed
By: Bernard
1 440 2 years ago
Service Template
By: Pat
4 337 2 years ago
13 Reminder Notifications Completed
By: Bryan
0 285 2 years ago
Tempo inclusion on service summary print out
By: Andrew
3 212 2 years ago
0 PDF Export from Chords tab Already Possible
By: Justin
1 547 2 years ago
3 People Matrix Completed
By: Pat
1 285 2 years ago
7 Option to Resend Initial Invitation Email Completed
By: Jonathan
5 416 2 years ago
Link people to Program Item
By: Justin
0 254 2 years ago
1 Add custom roles to Planning Completed
By: Adam
1 358 2 years ago
Adding Attachments in messenger
By: Jeff
0 202 2 years ago
2 Thumb print access to PLANNING APP on iPhone Already Possible
By: Jeff
0 237 2 years ago
1 Keep Upcoming Services Available Until Day After Already Possible
By: Eric
3 239 2 years ago