April 10, 2019
Any plans to make your main application available on iOS (not just the spin off apps). Recently upgraded my iPad to one of the new iPad Pro’s and it could definitely handle it. I’m wanting to switch all my out off office work to my iPad but the lack of ability to build and edit WE cues when I’m away from a desktop or a laptop is one thing holding me back. Thanks.
September 29, 2019
I’m wanting this too! I do work solely from
iPad, which is brilliant except when it comes to worship extreme as I have to email everything in to someone to put on worship extreme, defeating the object of having a cloud based system.
February 15, 2020
Same here. Planning Center used to have a “Projector” app that allowed you to do most everything (create cues, edit song lyrics, media, etc.) with an iPad AND send display signal via Apple TV or HDMI adapter. If WE App did the same, that would lock us in permanently. (There is a third party app for PCO that sorta took the place of the old Projector app, but is missing lots of the features). Would love such an app native to WE now that we see all that WE can do!
September 26, 2020
I am thinking that this will become a necessity for this app to move forward. With the advent of the new iPad Pro we are no longer using Windows and MacOS machines. This means, of course, that we no longer have any use for the Worship Extreme program.
October 18, 2020
Our church has went solely to iPads. We have a digital soundboard that operates using an iPad, out live-streaming is completed with an iPad, the only thing we are using a computer for is Worship Extreme. Please make this available to be used solely with an iPad.
August 17, 2021
I really want this app to be available on to an IOS device, specifically my iPad Pro. I started Worship Extreme on my laptop, then my laptop did not last much longer to other reasons because it was an older laptop. I am using my IPad Pro as a computer and it would be a definite benefit to the community and to me as well if Worship Extreme is available for IOS devices.
September 23, 2021
I hope there is a way I can get the program for my iPad Pro. I hope it is in the making. Many people including myself work from home on our iPads. Please consider making iOS version.
January 28, 2022
I just did a Google search for “Why isn’t there an iPad app for Worship Extreme Presenter?” and I ended up here. So I thought I’d add my own request to the discussion. Preparing cues for WE is literally the only thing I now use a desktop computer for. Everything else is now done on my iPad, since I bought a new one with stylus and keyboard last summer. I would absolutely love it if Presenter could be made available as an iPad app; given that Microsoft and Apple’s full-featured office software runs very happily on even moderately old iPads surely there is no reason why this can’t be done. The Mac Mini at church will of course continue to handle the actual projection on a Sunday morning because it doesn’t do anything else and doesn’t need swapped out or upgraded any time soon. But if I can work on my church service running order on the same iPad I do everything else on during the week I’ll be a very happy Pastor. As it is, once I’ve done everything else this afternoon I’m going to have to dig my computer chair out from under a massive laundry pile and use my old iMac to arrange this Sunday’s cue list. Please save me from this domestic insanity! Thanks folks!
March 9, 2022
I agree, I would love to use the presenter on my iPad Pro.