July 2, 2020
Hi there! Would you be able to add the lead sheet format to Music Stand? This is my preferred format for SongSelect content, and I would love to see it in Music Stand. Thanks!
July 14, 2020
Thanks for the post! We are looking into adding that. For now, you can import PDFs of the lead sheets. PDF import was just added in an update released today, version 1.4.
December 17, 2021
That would be very useful for our music team.
January 14, 2022
That would be very useful - we don't all play guitars you know! Direct import of SongSelect lead sheets in any key would be ideal.
February 20, 2022
Hey guys, is this on the product roadmap? This is pretty essential for pianists and string instruments that aren’t guitar. Would love to get a timeline on this feature.
August 14, 2022
This would be a great enhancement, lead sheets are certainly the preferred format for the musicians in my teams
August 15, 2022
We are not able to auto-import SongSelect lead sheets and vocal sheets by limitations of the SongSelect API, but you can upload them manually as attachments in Planning or Music Stand:
Additionally, in Music Stand, you can import sheet music from PraiseCharts.
November 11, 2022
Lead sheets from SongSelect are coming soon!