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Presenter View for user

March 5, 2025
Is there any way to view not just the list of songs. Bible passages, etc in the left hand column of the service, but to see all the slides for each of those items. So for example, if I was jumping from the end of one song, into the chorus of another, I have to click on the song, which then brings up the 1st slide, but I'd like to just go straight to the chorus. Would be good to see full slides (like in ProPresenter or EasyWorship). Maybe I just haven't found the right button yet lol.
Posted by Karen
March 5, 2025
Turn off the Auto Fire setting:
(note that background-only items, like an image or video will still auto-fire on click, as they're not part of a set of slides)
Posted by WorshipTools
March 18, 2025
There is a setting to include a blank slide at the start of all songs. I use this so that I can set the song up while the minister is introducing the song. Then, if he starts quoting a verse or chorus, I can jump straight to it on the screen, then start the song properly when the band plays the introduction.
Obviously, this does not work for presentation slides, but you can always add a blank slide for the same purpose.
Posted by Paul
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