January 6, 2025
Today we used Presenter and Charts live in a church service for the first time. About 50% of the time, the Charts app performed as expected when connected to the host device (the main presenter computer). The song switched as a new song was fired. However, the other 50% there was a lag. The new song was fired on the main screen, but the charts apps were still showing the previous song. The green indicator showing the connection to the host was on during this, as well as the green indicator beside the current song. However, charts didn't switch to it sometimes until after 1-2 verses.
If the musician, tapped the current song it would take you there but it wouldn't automatically happen.
Some of the time we did get a white banner pop up indicating there was a sync error or connection error.
These devices were connected by both Wifi, and cellular connection and both experienced this issue.
Can you advise what might be causing this, or how to fix it?