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Importing from Loop Community

WorshipTools Planning is a resource made for church leaders and volunteer teams. It can be used for service planning, volunteer scheduling, and worship library management. The WorshipTools apps allow worship leaders to source lyrics, chord charts, lead sheets, vocal sheets, multitracks, and other helpful worship resources from a variety of places, such as Loop Community.

On the Loop Community tab of the Songs page in Planning, you'll see a list of songs with color-coordinated labels to the right. If a song is listed here, it means that Loop Community has a chord chart available for this song and that you can import it into your WorshipTools song library.


The color-coordinated labels on the right indicate what type of track that chord chart syncs with. You may also see a checkmark to the far right, which indicates that you have access to that particular chart.

Loop offers five (5) different track types, ranging from the artist's official Master Track band mix to the stripped-down, simple acoustic Lite Track. That means you may see a song listed multiple times, each with a different track type label (notice the different track types for "Behold" and "Ever Be" in the screenshot above).

Once you find the chart you're looking for, click on it to review the song details and lyrics on the next page. There, you'll find a red "Import to Library" button. When the song is imported into your library, Planning will prepare the lyrics for Presenter so that your lyrics slides are all ready to go. To view the chord chart, just open the Charts link on the song's Planning page, or add the song to a service and view the service in Charts.

Assuming that you're using Loop chord charts because you also use Loop multitracks, you can check out this video to see how to connect the Loop Community Prime app with the WorshipTools Charts app to get your multitracks and chord charts synced up.

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