WorshipTools offers many Bible translations. These Bibles are integrated right into the Presenter app, making it easy for churches to pull up Scripture and include them in their service presentations.
Free Bibles
- American Standard Version (ASV)
- King James Version (KJV)
- World English Bible (WEB)
Albanian (shqip)
- Bibla Shqip (ALBB)
Bulgarian (Български)
- РИ ББД 1915
Chinese (普通话)
- 新標點和合本, 上帝版 (CUNP-0)
- 新標點和合本, 神版 (CUNP-1)
- 新标点和合本, 上帝版 (CUNPSS-0)
- 新标点和合本, 神版 (CUNPSS-1)
Czech (Čeština)
- Bible Kralická 1613 (CSBKR)
Danish (Dansk)
- Danske Bibel 1871 (DA1871)
French (Français)
- Bible Segond 1910 (LSG)
- Bible Darby en français (FRDBY)
- Ostervald (OST)
- Nouvelle Segond révisée (NVS78P)
German (Deutsch)
- Elberfelder 1871 (ELB71)
- Lutherbibel 1912 (DELUT)
Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)
- Alkitab Terjemahan Baru (TB)
Italian (italiano)
- Diodati Bible (DO885)
Japanese (日本語)
- Colloquial Japanese 1955 (JA1955)
Korean (한국어)
- 개역한글 (KRV)
Polish (polski)
- Nowa Biblia Gdańska (NBG)
- Biblia Gdańska (PBG)
Russian (Русский язык)
- Библия на церковнославянском языке (CSLAV)
- Синодальный перевод (SYNOD)
Spanish (Español)
- Reina-Valera Antigua 1602 (RVA)
- Nueva Biblia de las Américas (NBLA)
Swedish (Svenska)
*. Svenska Folkbibeln 2015 (SFB15)
Welsh (Cymraeg)
- Beibl Cymraeg Newydd Diwygiedig 2004 (BCND)
- Beibl William Morgan - Argraffiad 1955 (BWM)
- beibl.net 2015, 2019 (BNET)
- Salmau Cân 1621 (Edmwnd Prys) (SC)
Paid Bibles
- Amplified Bible 2015 (AMP)
- Christian Standard Bible 2017 (CSB)
- English Standard Version 2001 (ESV)
- New International Version 2011 (NIV)
- New International Version - UK 2011 (NIVUK)
- New King James Version 1982 (NKJV)
- New Living Translation 2015 (NLT)
- New American Standard Bible 1995 & 2020 (NASB)
- New Revised Standard Version 1989 (NRSV)
- New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition 2021 (NRSVue)
- The Passion Translation 2020 (TPT)
- Afrikaans 1983/1992
- Die Bybel 2020-vertaling
Dutch (Nederlands)
- Herziene Statenvertaling (HSV)
French (Français)
- Nouvelle Français courant (NFC)
- Parole de Vie 2017 (PDV2017)
German (Deutsch)
- Die Bibel (Schlachter 2000)
- Hoffnung für alle (HFA)
- Neue Genfer Übersetzung (NGUe)
- 새번역 (RNKSV)
- 현대인의 성경 (Korean Living Bible)
- Nova Versão Internacional - Português (NVI-PT)
Spanish (Español)
- Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI-S)
Purchasing Paid Bibles
Paid Bibles can be added to any WorshipTools account for $4/year (per translation), To purchase a paid Bible, go to your account page, click Bibles and Add-Ons, and purchase the translation of your choice. Then, follow the installation instructions below to add the Bible to your Presenter.
Download and Install Bibles in Presenter
To install a purchased WorshipTools Bible into Presenter, open the app, click on the ⚙ gear icon in the upper right corner, and go to the Settings page, There, select Bibles from the left column, scroll down til you see the section for WorshipTools Bibles, and click on the language of your purchased Bible.
This will open a dropdown with all the paid Bibles that you purchased through WorshipTools in that language, plus all the free Bibles that we offer in that language. Click Download and Install on the Bibles you want to install. Bibles that are already installed will show an "Uninstall" button instead.
If you run Presenter on multiple computers, you will need to follow these steps to install the Bible on each computer. Once Bibles are purchased and installed, they will be available for selection in WorshipTools Planning when building out service plans.
Note: Paid Bibles will only appear in Presenter with the Download and Install option after they've been purchased. If it's only been a couple of minutes since you purchased the Bible add-on and you're not seeing it on the list, shut down Presenter and reopen it again.
What if WorshipTools doesn't have the translation I'm looking for?
Please take a look at our article for importing custom Bibles.
Submit a Bible for use in Presenter
If you are a Bible publisher and would like to provide your Bible for use with WorshipTools, contact us to get started.