Oftentimes, churches may sing worship songs that they've written themselves or are otherwise not available through WorshipTools' partner sources. So, when importing songs into your WorshipTools Song Library is not an option, WorshipTools Planning is the best tool for creating songs manually.
Step 1: Song Details
First, head to the Songs page in the Planning app. Find and click the + Create towards the top of the page. Fill out as many details about the song as you can along the top and left sides of the page. The Title, Author(s), Copyright, and CCLI Song Number fields should be filled out in accordance with copyright regulations and licensing terms, if applicable.
Default Song Key refers to your preferred default key, so feel free to set it accordingly. Time Signature, Default Tempo, and Length can also be custom to your preferences.
You can add tags for your song to help with sorting and filtering in your library if you'd like. You can also add listening media for your team to reference as they practice and learn the song, and link tracks from Loop Community if they are available.
Once you're finished with everything on the left, move on to the Lyrics tab. Tip: Click the red Save button in the upper right corner to save your progress. You'll exit the editing mode, but you can click Edit on the following page to pick up right where you left off.
Step 2: Lyrics
This tab represents your Presenter lyrics slides, with each "Song Section" representing a lyric slide in Presenter. You'll want to fill out this tab first, before moving on to Chords.
Start by clicking + Add Song Section. You'll see a field for Section Name and a blank field below it. Type/paste in the contents of your first slide. If your church likes to show four lines per slide, you'll type/paste in four lines per song section here. If your church prefers two lines per slide, you'll type/paste in two lines per song section.
When adding song sections, do not skip the Section Name field (ex. Verse 1, Chorus, Bridge). It's important to give each song section a name, as this will help define sections in Presenter and in your chord charts in Charts. If you are splitting song sections into multiple slides, use abcd naming conventions (ex. Verse 1a, Verse 1b, Chorusa, Chorusb, Chorusc, Chorusd). You can add more letters if needed.
For now, you'll just need one of each song section. Don't worry about any repeated sections. These will be the building blocks used to create the full and accurate arrangement in Presenter.
See related: Custom Song Arrangements in Presenter
Once all your lyrics are in, move on to the Chords tab.
Step 3: Chords
When you open the Chords tab, you'll see a message stating "There are no chords available for this song." Click the Edit button to the right of that message. This will open up the ChordPro Editor.
As the editor opens up, you'll notice that all the song details and lyrics that you've entered so far have auto-populated into the ChordPro editor. This saves you a lot of time and is why we recommend saving the Chords tab for last. So, now all you have left to do is enter in the chords. Make sure to enter them using ChordPro guidelines: What is ChordPro®.
To exit out of the ChordPro Editor at anytime, click the x in the upper right corner, or the Close button at the bottom. Your work will be automatically saved. However, it will not officially save to your Library until you click the red Save button for the entire song, so make sure you click that button to save all your work.
See related: ChordPro Directives
Lastly, if you have any supplemental PDFs, you can upload them on the Attachments tab. And click Save in the