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Sign up for Early Adopter Releases

Early Adopter versions of Presenter include features in the final testing phase. To receive Early Adopter updates, open Presenter and click the ⚙ gear icon in the upper right, then Settings. Click on Updates from the left menu and check the box under "Early Adopter."

If you sign up for the Early Adopter program, you will be notified when a new version is available for testing. If you do not want to sign up for the program, but would like to download and try the latest Early Adopter version, you can do so here:




Your feedback is greatly appreciated! If you run into any issues or have suggestions while using an early adopter release, email them to [email protected]. If you would like to receive email notifications when an Early Adopter release is available, navigate to your profile and check the "Early Adopter" option.

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