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Miscellaneous Features

Countdown Timers

To set a countdown timer, you'll need to have a service open. Then, click More in the top menu and select Countdown. You can also use the F6 key on your keyboard for quick access. 

This will open up the countdown timer window. In the black preview screen, drag and drop to position the countdown where you would like it to appear on your Display screen(s). Below, you can set the time, font, size, and color of the countdown.

You can also select from three timer options:

  • Countdown (set duration in 00:00:00 format for hours, minutes, and seconds)
  • Countdown to Time (set a designated end time)
  • Count up (starts at 0, goes until stopped)

When you are ready to send the timer to the screen(s), hit the green Start button.

Please note that the timer will overlap on top of whatever is already being projected such as a motion graphic slide, or even your lyrics, slides, etc. As such, you'll want to make sure that the Display Screen is clear of any other text that may clash with your countdown, or that you position and size your countdown so that it does not clash with any other text/design that is simultaneously being projected on the screen.

Once you start a countdown, you can close this window - the countdown timer will simply fade from the screen when it finishes. (The item behind it will not be affected.) If you selected the Count Up option, you will need to manually stop the timer, so you may want to keep this window open.

Timer Templates

If you like your font customizations, you can save them as a template for future use. Do this by clicking the Save button to the right of the Template field. Alternatively, you can delete existing templates by selecting one from the Template dropdown and then clicking the red trash can button.

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