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ChordPro® in Charts

If you're not already familiar with ChordPro®, please review our What is ChordPro® article. You can also find a list of all our supported directives here.

Because ChordPro® is a special file type, it needs to be converted from ChordPro into a chord chart that is easy to read. This can easily be accomplished through the built-in ChordPro editor on the Charts app by WorshipTools.

Tip: If you plan on presenting lyrics with Presenter too, you may want to manage your song in Planning. There, you can edit both your Charts chord charts and Presenter lyrics slides.

The ChordPro Editor

To get to the ChordPro Editor, click on the song title at the top of the Charts app. In the subsequent dropdown menu, click Edit Song to open the corresponding pop-up as seen in the image below. Click on Edit ChordPro®.

Once open, the Editor will look something like this:


Notice the various blue buttons along the top and bottom of the editor. The functionality of each is as follows:

Upper Left Upper Right Lower Left Lower Right
Cancel: Closes the editor without saving changes ?: Opens the tutorial. Try this for more information! Chords: Common/recent chords that input chords when pressed Chord: Opens the chord insertion menu
Undo: Undoes the most recent change Preview: Opens a preview of the rendered chord sheet with your current ChordPro® edits Tag: Opens the tag insertion menu
Redo: Undoes the most recent "undo" Save: Saves the current changes to the ChordPro® Reset: Resets your ChordPro® document to its original version


In addition to all these features, the Charts ChordPro editor also supports all the text editing features (i.e. copy, paste, etc.) you'd use anywhere else on your device, so editing is as intuitive as possible.

Make your edits and click Save. When you return to the main Charts window, you'll see that the chord chart now shows your changes. In the example below, the ChordPro editor was used to add extra choruses between the verses. You can also edit the chords, omit lines/verses, add your own original tag or instrumental break - the options are endless (but make sure to stay within any copyright limitations!).

One thing to note: after you've saved changes to the ChordPro, your song Source will change from SongSelect to ChordPro.


Getting Your Songs in ChordPro Formatting into Charts

There are multiple ways to get songs into your Charts library but we always recommend you use ChordPro formatting as it will give you the most benefits later on.

The easiest method is to import songs directly from SongSelect. Those with SongSelect® Advanced will have access to all the benefits of ChordPro in Charts but will not be able to make any edits to SongSelect's ChordPro. Those will SongSelect Premium will have the added ability to modify SongSelect's ChordPro.

If you have existing ChordPro files saved on your computer, you can import them in bulk through the Planning app. These files must be properly formatted in ChordPro, but also have the proper ChordPro file extension (ie. .pro, .cho, .chord, etc.). Word documents and PDFs are not eligible for the ChordPro importer feature.

Lastly, you can manually enter your ChordPro into the editor, whether you copy & paste it in from another resource or manually type out the lyrics and chords by hand. We advise that you do this in Planning for faster workflow. Read the "Lyrics" and "Chords" section of this article for more detail: Editing Songs in Planning

To learn how to edit ChordPro in Planning, check out this article: ChordPro® in Planning. If you already have ChordPro files on your computer, you can import them into Planning in bulk: Import ChordPro.

WorshipTools does not provide ChordPro files, but our app is one of few that are capable of properly converting ChordPro into a chord chart. You can either write the ChordPro manually or find existing ChordPro resources from other online outlets to use with the Charts editor.

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