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Custom Lyric Arrangements

On Presenter by WorshipTools, there are three different ways you can customize and rearrange the order (or arrangement) of the lyrics.

Option 1: No Order

When a song is first imported into Presenter, it will have a default order. This typically just consists of the individual sections of the song without any particular arrangement or repeats. 

Option 2: Custom Slide Order

The Custom Slide Order allows users to rearrange the default order/arrangement for a particular song. This can make for a more seamless Presenter experience during the service since all the lyrics would be in the correct order to match how the worship band plays through the song.

To customize, check the Set custom slide order box on the bottom right of the song editing page. This will open a new panel on the very right of Presenter (pictured below). To add a slide to your custom slide order, click the + next to the slide you want to add from the left Slides panel. Click Add Blank if you want to add a blank slide before, after, or between different sections. Within the Custom Slide Order panel, you can drag and drop to rearrange slide items until you arrive at your desired arrangement.

This custom slide order becomes the new default preset for this song. Whenever this song is added to a service, this custom order will be used. You can always modify the custom order, or make modifictions at the service level (option 3 below).

Option 3: Service Item Order

Option 2 demonstrated how to set a custom default order for a song, but you may occasionally want to deviate from your default arrangement. This 3rd option comes in handy in those kinds of situations, as it allows you to rearrange the song at the service level, rather than the song level.

To start, open the song item from the left service order. The song's slides will then populate on the right panel. Here, slides can be dragged/dropped around to create the desired arrangement. You can click the copy icon in the top right corner of each slide's thumbnail to duplicate that slide, and you can also use the Add Slide drop-down menu (pictured below) to accomplish the same thing. These functions come in handy when repeating sections of a song. (When you Add Slide, the slide will show up at the end and you'll need to drag it to the desired location.)

Arrangements at this level only affect this specific service item within the context of the current service. It will not affect a song's default order as set in Options 1 or 2 above. So, when the song is used again in a future service, it will adopt the default order as set in Options 1 or 2.

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